Monday, September 21, 2009

Oregon Coast Videos

I tried to stop him form eating it at least.

He wasn't quiet into the water thing after he actually felt how cold it was. But he loved "discovering" everything about the coast by putting it in his mouth.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oregon Coast fun!

As of Sunday after church, we had no plans for Labor Day and I told the Zeyers as much when they asked. Then they envited us to go with them and a couple other families from our ward to the coast. I tentively said yes but was a little wery because it had been raining, non-stop, for the past day and a half.
Then that night, Sunday, we had Sarah Cobrun, a non-active sister I visit teach, over for dinner and we invited her along. She's tons of fun but also I thought it would be a great time for her to get to know others in our ward.
Anyway, so when we got there, it was amazingly sunny and hardly windy. It was great! Everyone had prepared for the worst weather possible -I for instance had three layers on, but it was wonderful. Here are some picture to help demonstrate.

Valin was totally into casing the waves and playing in the water until he actually got his feet in and they started to turn blue. The weather may have been nice but the water was cold as usual. Surprisingly enough, babies don't have the best cirulation I guess.

Does this remind anyone of "Goonies?"

This was Valin's first real encounter with sand and he loved exploring it.

Which meant eating it.

Isn't the Oregon Coast beautiful?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Valin is 6 months old

One of the awesome ladies I visit teach wants to be a professional photographer, so she offered to take Valin's 6 month picture. It was right before his nap time so we didn't get very many good ones -i think I'll ask her if we could shoot agian. But here are the ones I like. Tell me with one I should hang up in our house.








Free nights!

We have had quite a challenging few weeks. But I'll start first by saying this: I will be the first to tell you that I know close to nothing when it comes to raising children. (And I thank all of my wonderful in-laws for their examples of great parenting.) But I’ve had this feeling that there must be a better way of doing it, at least for us. Valin still wasn’t eating very much, up 2-3 times a night, and more winey the usual. I personally craved some form of routine (and more sleep) but didn’t know how to do it. Then my sister-in-law, Sara lent me a wonderful book called “On Becoming Babywise” and a sister I visit teach, Stephine gave me one called “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby,” and together they have given me the knowledge to get Valin on a routine that promotes physical, emotional, and intelligential healthy habits. With the routine suggested in Babywise Valin is now eating at least 4-8 more ounces a day, not including siold food. And with the sleep suggestions in Healthy Sleep Habits Valin sleeps for a full 8-10 hours a night without waking to eat. Plus, now Valin is asleep by 7:00 (give or take 30 mins) so we have the rest of the night to be together. We actually get to hangout, play games, and just be together. I can't tell you how great it has been for our marriage to be able to have this time together again.

But to be honest, it has been a challenging road to get to this point. First we had to tell Valin learn to put himself to sleep. This meant crying because we were so cool, he wanted to hangout with us, even though he was tired and physically and mentally needed to sleep. I just had to say to my self after another session of crying, "Oh, he wants to play with me. I would love to play with him too, but I will have to sacrifice what I want because he needs to sleep." And now, now that he goes down without crying after we turn the lights out, rock and sing to him a little to help him wind down, we are all happy. Valin gets the sleep he needs (as do I) which means he is happier, more content, and even more curious and wanting to learn.

We also had a hard time getting him to sleep more than an hour for his naps which then would mean an early bedtime (thought he would treat it as a nap and wake up after an hour and cry for an hour after that because we had to tell him learn that it was bedtime). So we tried to lengthen the naps by making the wakeful times in between longer, but that just made him overtired and fight sleep and sleep for an hour anyway. So we tried giving Valin three naps during the day. That works on Sundays when he gets a power nap in church, but not for he rest of the week. So I think I'll try keeping him down for the full 2 hours (for the morning nap because the afternoon one is fine) and see if he'll learn to sleep while there. I think that if we stick to a rough schedule (30 min variations) which reflects he's natural sleeping pattern, then Valin learn to let himself fall asleep when he needs to.