The kiddos are napping and I've already finished my P90X workout, so it's time to do some blogging!
Over the course of about 6 months, Valin has literally falling in love with to movies, "Cars" and "Toy Story" (1-3) from disney and pixar. He has Woody, Buzz, and Lighting McQeen pjs, shirts, toys, bedding, and he asks to watch the movies almost everyday. So for his birthday, I decided that I would attempt to make a Lighting McQeen cake, since it would be the easier than Woody or Buzz. I had been planning and working it out in my head for about a month before, so it all took mostly and afternoon to do. And I think it turned out pretty good. I goal was for it to be good enough so that Valin would recognized it and scream "Queen!" like he does every time he sees him.
Since I used oreos for the wheels, I still had an almost full bag left over and there was no way I was going to keep it in my cupboards because I would eat them all. So I decided to crush them, pour melted butter over them, and surround McQeen so that it would be as if he was driving on asphalt. I thought it was pretty creative, if I do say so myself.
Here's Valin seeing it for the first time:
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One of the coolest thing was that Patxi got on Skype so he was able to "be with us" when Valin blew out the candles and opened his presents. Patxi had to get up pretty early to do so. It meant so much to me and I'm sure to Valin as well. I love my husband so much!
And here is Valin opening he's presents:
(it's pretty long, but the kids were hilarious! )
I think Valin totally enjoyed himself and I love to see him so happy! It was a great success!
Very impressive cake skills!
Cute cake! Let the fun begin--a 2 year old!
"Queen!!!" That cake is awesome!! You have a talent for sure!!
You're cake is amazing!!!
Wow! Jessica you deserve the Mother of the Year award. Well done, your cake is perfect!
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