I just got back from peeing in a cup so I could be tested for drug use. Yesterday, Jeremy called me and asked if, once the drug test is successful, I could start working at his branch on Monday the 11th. I said I could, so unless they put something illegal in prenatal vitamins, I have the job! So...I start working on Monday!
I'm very excited, especially not to have so much unstructured time to myself. Yeah, I've been utterly useless since "Breaking Dawn" (fourth and last book in the Shephnie Meyer series) came out last Saturday. I finished the 754 paged book in three days, not because I'm a fast reader, but because I hardly did anything else. It's a really crazy good book. There's something about her books, I can't put them down!
Oh, and just in case some would like to know, Patxi and I are planing on going down to Pilot Rock on Friday and come back Sunday. I don't know if we can make it to La Grande during that time, but we'll see. Thanks again for your prayers and faith in this job finding thing. I know it's the reason why I got it. Thanks! Love ya!
congrats!!! so glad that you found a job!
♥ Yay for the job. So what's in Pilot Rock? Isn't that out past La Pine and stuff?
Hey...it's about time for you to post a pregnancy picture!!
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