Wednesday, May 5, 2010

finger painting with pudding

I got this idea from Christanne Jones off of facebook so I decided to try it out today. The only pudding in the house was a little bit of villina so I divided it into three and put food coloring in them.

I idea behind doing pudding instead of regular finger paints is because, with toodlers and pre-toodlers, everything goes into their mouth.
He did really well.

Made some wonderful masterpieces.

And just had a great time.

The only bad thing was that I've fingerpainted with Valin before with real paint and had taught him not to eat it.  But now, affter tasting the puddling, he will eat it.  So I think I just offically confused my child.  Opps! Well, we'll fingure it out.

1 comment:

Denise Wheeler said...

Those picture are so cute! He looks so happy! Your such a great Mom!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the art work!