Thursday, May 20, 2010

Umm... yummy wheat germ.

Though wheat germ doesn't sound that apealing, I've decided to start using it in my/ Valin's diet.  I was looking on the internet for healthy (and toddler-friendly) snacks and meal ideas and I found some that use the ingredient, wheat germ.  It seemed pretty easy to use.  It sounded familar and I knew it was good for you, so of course I did some research.  This is what I found (, Written by Garry Crystal, Last Modified: 30 April 2010 ):

"Walk past any health food store and you will no doubt see advertisements for wheat germ. Wheat germ is one of the most nutritional products available. In fact, wheat germ contains 23 nutrients, and has more nutrients per ounce than any other vegetable or grain.
Wheat germ is a part of the wheat kernel. The germ is only a very small part of the kernel, approximately 2 ½ percent in total. The word germ does not have anything to do with bacteria; it simply refers to germination. The germ is the reproductive part that germinates and forms the wheat grass.
Wheat germ is very high in protein. It contains around 28 percent protein and has more protein than can be found in most meat products. The human body needs protein in order to repair tissue damage and to help minerals and nutrients reach our cells.
The amount of nutrients that are contained within wheat germ seems endless. It contains more potassium and iron than any other food source. Also found in great quantities are riboflavin, calcium, zinc magnesium and vitamins A, B1 and B3. Vitamins B1 and 3 are very important to maintain energy levels and maintain healthy muscles, organs, hair and skin.
Another important vitamin found in wheat germ is vitamin E. Vitamin E is a very important antioxidant. It is helpful in preventing the body's aging process and also to prevent heart disease. Vitamin E also helps to prevent blood clots and is needed to strengthen the body’s immune system.
Wheat germ has been found to be very beneficial in order to keep the body in tip top condition. It is used by athletes in their diet to improve cardiovascular function and improve endurance levels. Body builders will also add wheat germ to their diets in order to bulk up and maintain the nutritional levels they need to perform.
You can buy wheat germ from all good health stores and many supermarkets will carry it as well. It can either be purchased in toasted or fresh form. There are also many food products that already contain wheat germ. A number of cereals are made with it, as well as bread and flour.
If you make your own bread or cakes you can easily add wheat germ when baking by using it instead of a small amount of flour. You will find that it has a sweet, almost nutty flavor that is not too overpowering. It can also be added to meat dishes, eggs, vegetables and even yogurt."

I called my mom, asking what she knew about it and if I could find it at safeway or if she could pick it up for me at the health food store in La grande.  She told me that as kids she would put it in the yogurt she would feed us every afternoon.  And she said that it was the reason we never really got sick and had tons of energy as kids.  Huh, I don't remember that.  But then agian, maybe it was a good thing because it wasn't bad enough for me to remember. 

So for my walk this morning, I spent the time thinking of different ways I can use it in my cooking.  So, I have plans to bake it in some wheat bread I already planned to make today, put a pitch of it in the flour mixture I'll fry the pork steaks in, and then sprinkle it on Valin's snacks -like on his peanut butter and banana or something.  I also want to make my own granola bars and I'll use some then.  I'm so excited! I can't wait to try it. 


gwen said...

don't get too carried away all at once--it is very high fiber so it has laxitive properties.
you might want to go easy at first, especially with Valin!

Kelly said...

I make granola bars and the girls love them. Another nutritious thing you can toss into things is ground flax. I haven't done much research on it like you did on wheat germ. A friend told me about it. Let me know if you want the recipe. Love reading your blog!