Friday, June 4, 2010

10 more weeks!!!!

So I've decided that I would kill two birds with one stone.  I need to start a count down so I can stay sane as I wait for the last months of my pregnancy to end, but I also want to be more frequent in my blog posting.  So now I'm going to blog my prego count down. 

Hum... well.  I have 10 more weeks and since I did an update the other day, I don't have much else to say.  Alrightly then.  Have a good day. :) 


Unknown said...

Can't wait! Make sure you tell us next time you're headed through Boise!!

Anonymous said...

I don't even want to start my countdown yet... Only what, 2 more trimesters to go??? :) Congrats! You are almost there!