Thursday, May 20, 2010

Umm... yummy wheat germ.

Though wheat germ doesn't sound that apealing, I've decided to start using it in my/ Valin's diet.  I was looking on the internet for healthy (and toddler-friendly) snacks and meal ideas and I found some that use the ingredient, wheat germ.  It seemed pretty easy to use.  It sounded familar and I knew it was good for you, so of course I did some research.  This is what I found (, Written by Garry Crystal, Last Modified: 30 April 2010 ):

"Walk past any health food store and you will no doubt see advertisements for wheat germ. Wheat germ is one of the most nutritional products available. In fact, wheat germ contains 23 nutrients, and has more nutrients per ounce than any other vegetable or grain.
Wheat germ is a part of the wheat kernel. The germ is only a very small part of the kernel, approximately 2 ½ percent in total. The word germ does not have anything to do with bacteria; it simply refers to germination. The germ is the reproductive part that germinates and forms the wheat grass.
Wheat germ is very high in protein. It contains around 28 percent protein and has more protein than can be found in most meat products. The human body needs protein in order to repair tissue damage and to help minerals and nutrients reach our cells.
The amount of nutrients that are contained within wheat germ seems endless. It contains more potassium and iron than any other food source. Also found in great quantities are riboflavin, calcium, zinc magnesium and vitamins A, B1 and B3. Vitamins B1 and 3 are very important to maintain energy levels and maintain healthy muscles, organs, hair and skin.
Another important vitamin found in wheat germ is vitamin E. Vitamin E is a very important antioxidant. It is helpful in preventing the body's aging process and also to prevent heart disease. Vitamin E also helps to prevent blood clots and is needed to strengthen the body’s immune system.
Wheat germ has been found to be very beneficial in order to keep the body in tip top condition. It is used by athletes in their diet to improve cardiovascular function and improve endurance levels. Body builders will also add wheat germ to their diets in order to bulk up and maintain the nutritional levels they need to perform.
You can buy wheat germ from all good health stores and many supermarkets will carry it as well. It can either be purchased in toasted or fresh form. There are also many food products that already contain wheat germ. A number of cereals are made with it, as well as bread and flour.
If you make your own bread or cakes you can easily add wheat germ when baking by using it instead of a small amount of flour. You will find that it has a sweet, almost nutty flavor that is not too overpowering. It can also be added to meat dishes, eggs, vegetables and even yogurt."

I called my mom, asking what she knew about it and if I could find it at safeway or if she could pick it up for me at the health food store in La grande.  She told me that as kids she would put it in the yogurt she would feed us every afternoon.  And she said that it was the reason we never really got sick and had tons of energy as kids.  Huh, I don't remember that.  But then agian, maybe it was a good thing because it wasn't bad enough for me to remember. 

So for my walk this morning, I spent the time thinking of different ways I can use it in my cooking.  So, I have plans to bake it in some wheat bread I already planned to make today, put a pitch of it in the flour mixture I'll fry the pork steaks in, and then sprinkle it on Valin's snacks -like on his peanut butter and banana or something.  I also want to make my own granola bars and I'll use some then.  I'm so excited! I can't wait to try it. 

Good news!

I just got back from my OB appointment and I found out that I only gained 3 pounds this month, so that brings it to a total of 20 pounds for this pregnancy so for.  I'm 28 weeks now and I'll be gaining the most within the next 12 weeks.  But I know that if I watch what I eat and walk my two miles in (or around) 32 minutes everyday, I'll stay within the healthy weight goal (total of 25-35 pounds)! I know I can do this! I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cute video of Valin

This is a video we got of Valin dancing.  Patxi first sang the song to go along with Valin playing with the toy horse in his hand.  And at first, that's what he did.  That horse galloped so fast on the couch.  But then, it seems, Valin wanted to do the galloping as well... he was just so cute.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

some updated pictures

I know that you guys must be picture starved because it's been a while since I posted one.  So, here: I guess it's either fest or famine on my blog :)

(sorry that it's a little out of focus)
One time, while Patxi had the dishes soaking in the sink, we decided to play with the bubbles.

The clump of bubbles stayed, miraclously, on for a long time.

Then here's Valin playing with my parent's dogs.  (This one is named Jinkies)

This is the Jell-o cake I made for Patxi's birthday.

We had fijitas for his birthday and everyone loved them, especially Valin.

Valin's cousin, Elliot, and Valin were both watching Tice (their uncle) mow the lawn.  We'll see how interesting mowing the lawn is when it's their turn.

That's pretty much it for now.  I'll post more when I remember to take them. 

"(f)ish," (p)each," "doen," and the newest today, "apple"

Our little 15 month old is really starting to use some words.  For months he's been copying the sounds we make, but he is now starting to use the words by himself. Like this morning, I asked if he wanted a piece of my apple, which he repeated wonderfully.  Then, after he finished, he pointed and said, "awe-pel." I was so blown away and giddy, I almost did a touch down dance right there.

He knows what words mean.  Like when I ask him if he is finished with his green beans and he shakes his head and grabs another green bean, but we're at the stage where he needs to figure out how to use his month to correctly make the sound and then remember the sound that goes with that object and use it.  It's all very amazing to witness.  I love to see him learn and grow and this is just a wonderful stage to be in.  Oh, I am so lucky to be his mom!

finger painting with pudding

I got this idea from Christanne Jones off of facebook so I decided to try it out today. The only pudding in the house was a little bit of villina so I divided it into three and put food coloring in them.

I idea behind doing pudding instead of regular finger paints is because, with toodlers and pre-toodlers, everything goes into their mouth.
He did really well.

Made some wonderful masterpieces.

And just had a great time.

The only bad thing was that I've fingerpainted with Valin before with real paint and had taught him not to eat it.  But now, affter tasting the puddling, he will eat it.  So I think I just offically confused my child.  Opps! Well, we'll fingure it out.

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's getting better

I haven't had an emotional rain cloud since that Thursday and I feel so much better. I couldn't even blamed it on the weather because it's not that bad, besides the fact that it feels like someone's let lost the big bad wolf and he's trying to blow the whole town down. It's so strong that even I get blown over when I exercise outside. But anyway, just in case someone was wondering, I'm feeling a lot better.

One of the reasons I think I feel better is because I making better eating choices. I think that blogging about it and telling my husband about my struggles really helped. His and your comments tell me that you really care as well as give me wonderful advice. But one of the most helpful things is including my Heavenly Father. I realized that I've moved away from His spirit lately and so I've consciously strived to keep it with me moment by momnet, as well as pour my heart out to him in prayer. If anyone is most willing and able to give me the specific help I need, it's him (and my Savior). And the best thing is that really I feel it. Like today, I first of all didn't get hungry until 5:00pm (on a normal day, it around 4:00)and then I had the power to say to myself, "wait until dinner" and actually do it. Before, I couldn't (and wouldn't) do it. And then, always after dinner I feel the need for desert. I don't know why, but I want something sweet. So today like usual, I go through the options in my head but, get this, I never did anything about it. I'm even sitting here with an uneaten apple next to me. I didn't even want the few calories in an apple so I could appease my sweet tooth. Isn't that great! I totally have the Lord and your help to thank for it. So...Thank you!

It totally made my day

So it started with a message from my mother. This is not strange at all, but she called to know what I was doing today or tommorrow. So I of course called her back to tell her that I wasn't busy, thinking that she was planning for a visit to a local doctor and therefore wanted to see me. When I asked her about the doctor visit, she said that she didn't know if she would go or not. So I asked why she wanted to know my schedule, she said that she thought I was having a OB visit. "Huh" I thought, now she's normally not that interested, especailly when the interesting visits don't come for another two months or so. So I had a hunch that something was amuck. But since I absolutely love surprises, I decided to forget all about it.

And I did until Grace bond walked into my kicthen. Surprise! (For those who don't know, she's a great friend that I want to high school with) It turned out that she was leaving for Alaska Wednesday and wanted to see me before she left. I didn't even know she was back in La Grande. She drove for two hours here and back for a two hour conversation. It really meant a lot to me. I was so tickled pink to see her. And her surprise totally made my day. It was so fun to see her again.