Saturday, January 17, 2009

New carpets clog vacuums

I have been the most frustrated person because I just couldn't get my carpet clean. This means alot when my whole apartment is 97% carpeted. It was amazingly awesome for the Nelson's to put in new carpet. However, the person who put it in did it for free, as a favor, and didn't think to clean up after his mess. So when I vacuumed, I sucked up everything and it clogged my vacuum. I was so frustrated! So today, it took us a leatherman, wire hanger, flash light, and a broom handle to get the vacuum unclogged. This is a picture of what was clogged. It looked like some giant cat coughed up a huge dirty, sick hair ball.

It feels great having a working vacuum again!


Brittney said...

I wish that when people do stuff for free they wouldn't do a crappy job. It's a gift so it should be done just as well as if you were getting paid! grrrr.

How ya feeling girl? It's getting so close!!!

Mrs. Romriell said...

That is one sick hair ball!! but all is right with the world now...are you in nesting mode? Just wondering

Just me said...

Jessy's going to have a baby and I'm going to be an auntie to little Jetxi!